I'm Aimee. I work at an elementary school in Orange County, Florida! I love what I do and never thought I wanted my own children but am blessed with two BEAUTIFUL boys, whom we named Caydin and Wyatt. I love being their mommy more than anything in the world!
Here's Caydin! Our WONDERFUL big 7 year old! He's active, smart, and funny. He loves to be outside, loves swimming, playing the iPad, tow trucks, and all things construction. His favorite show right now is America's Funniest Home Videos. Mama is really enjoying watching him grow and learn new things!
Here is the baby of the family... Wyatt! At 3 years, he loves to climb anything he can find, run, ride his bike, and swim! He loves watching Paw Patrol and talks non-stop all day long! He knows all his letters and sounds and can write his name!
Brilee LOVES to use Papa and Nana's vacuum like its going out of style!!!!!