
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Anmal Kingdom

For our 5th visit to Disney world, we headed back to Animal Kingdom.  This time, we took Ms. Amanda, Mr. Lynch, and another *unnamed* guest with us.  Such great weather!  Caydin got to ride Expedition Everest for the first time and loved it!  He was nervous as we waited in line.  Thank God for short lines and fast passes.  He really only had about 3 minutes of nervousness.  Such a great ride.  Wyatt was too small (obviously) but has since "rode" the ride via you tube about a million times!
We also did the Bug Life's show for the first time.  Very interesting.  Definitely not what I expected but everyone loved it!
After checking out the animal trails, we did the Safari ride (our favorite!)
No trip to Animal Kingdom is complete without a kid getting "lost" in the dinosaur play area.  After  locating said "lost" child, we headed home! 
(Total price of park annual pass divided by number of visits: $96!  Less than that of a one day ticket!)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sweet Kobe

One week ago yesterday, I took Kobe to the vet and decided it was time to put her to sleep.  We miss her so much!
Kobe turned 11 (yes, you read that correctly) years old in late January. 
That's really really old for a bunny.
In fact, the vet was in shock when he read the age on her file. He said he had never seen a rabbit anywhere near her age.
One of the downfalls of have an indoor rabbit in a cage was watching her poor front legs decline.  Over time, her legs didn't bend right. She had a unique hop/flop.
Well it got to the point that she would fall over (or lay down) and would get stuck. Literally could not use her front legs to help her get up. Each month and each week, the falls got more frequent. Some mornings, we would wake and find her stuck. I always felt terrible since I had no clue when she did it or how long she was stuck for. 
She also had an infection that made her one eye turn white. Normal aged bunnies could easily take an antibiotic but Kobe was too skinny and too sick to do it.

With a few pictures and kisses, we headed to the vet.  While I knew the likely outcome, I wanted to make sure the boys could say goodbye. I cried like a baby while talking to the vet. My gut instinct was right.

Her cage is still in the living room.  I know its time to take it apart.
The boys are doing fine.  The first night, Wyatt cried and cried for Kobe.  It was totally unexpected.  He totally didn't understand what was happening.  (Still doesn't probably.)  Wyatt has asked to go to the pet store so we can get Kobe back.  So sad.  And no.  There are no plans to get another rabbit.  We are doing just fine with 2 cats and a fish.

So... Kobe, thanks for a great 11 years! 
Hoping you are hopping (and not flopping) all over bunny Heaven!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

oh mygym!

Today was my last class mommy and Wyatt class at mygym! Now Wyatt is in an independent class. While I'm happy that I don't have to run around the gym floor anymore, I'm sad that my baby doesn't need me there anymore! Wahhhh!