A few weeks ago (September 4, 2012), Caydin headed over to the doctor's for his 4 year old checkup. He is growing like a crazy man.
Weight: 34 lbs
Height: 41 and 1/4 inches
Up 5 pounds from last year and much taller too! We talked about my concerns for his speech but the doctor wasn't worried at all. He pretty much said that Caydin will not qualify for any services because he is very understandable (my concerns are just with a few sounds that he omits when speaking).. Caydin is perfect in every other way! :)
We talked when Caydin was 3, about the option of Caydin getting some of his Kindergarten shots at 4. So before the appointment, we were talking to Caydin about what the doctor was going to do and the shots. He was worried. In fact, Lovey came to the appointment too. He was upset for a few minutes but fine after that! He even went to swim class after getting 2 shots in his legs!
He ended up getting a fever and runny nose a few days after his appointment but we think it was back to school germs. He seemed like he was getting better but woke up one Monday morning saying he couldn't hear out of his ears. We pretty much knew it was an ear infection so Grandma took him to the doctor for his first ever "sick" visit. Turns out he had er infections in both ears! Tough dude, he never complained at all about his ears... and only said he couldn't hear out of his ear once.
10 days of meds and he's back to normal! Hopefully no more sickness for us!
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